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The organizer of this unique event is The Only One Foundation, started by two disabled moms who wanted to direct attention to the matters of women with disability in society.


A foundation that fulfils its goals by organizing, among others, Miss Wheelchair Poland. So far, there have been three editions of this exceptional competition, during which WE select the most beautiful woman in a wheelchair. From year to year, this contest is getting more popular within the media and, simultaneously, gaining nationwide publicity. Apart from this contest, the Jedyna Taka Foundation carries out other important projects.

The Only One Mom is a project aiming at the integration of mothers with disability. Thanks to the project, women planning motherhood have easier access to other moms. They can exchange experience or information on adapted gynaecological examination offices. As part of the project, an exhibition entitled “Which One? The Only One!” was held, showing disabled mothers together with their children to prove that their physical limitations are no barrier.

As a part of the project, the Cursum extra was created, making it possible for a parent with a disability to push a pram with a child. With the popularity of the project “The Only One Mom”, the project “Childhood without barriers” rose, making it easier for children to understand that disability is not an obstacle to normal functioning.


Another project leading to image change of people with disability is Butterfly Agency Models – an integrational model agency founded by The Only One Foundation. The agency unites non-disabled and disabled models according to the rule that beauty is the most important. The models from the agency participated in such events as the T-Mobile advertisement Help measured with kilometres, Paprocki&Brzozowski fashion show, Fashion Show Radom, Agnieszka Jaworska fashion show and many others.

non profit organization the only one

It is also worth mentioning that The Only One Foundation realises its assumptions through different minor activities throughout the year. Every year the foundation has its Only One team in a run, Wings for Life World Run, of which the total income goes towards research on a damaged spinal cord. The foundation has also participated in the run Samsung Irena Women’s Run or organised action for children from orphanages, “Christmas Action – Gift for Chickabidy”. Representatives of the Foundation participated in the Active Woman conference at the Economic University, discussing the Miss Pageant or the life of a model in a wheelchair.

It is only a part of the Foundation’s actions, and all about the current issues interested persons can find out on the website:

You are welcome to follow the Fanpage Miss Wheelchair World, and if you have any questions, please send us an email on: .

After four editions of Miss Poland Wheelchair, the idea was to organise something innovative worldwide. The Miss Wheelchair World event will break disability barriers worldwide. In October 2017, Poland was hosting women of the whole world moving in wheelchairs, competing for the title of the most beautiful one. The event’s Co-organiser was the beautiful capital city of Poland, Warsaw. In October 2022, we also organised our successful contest in beautiful Mexico City.

The principal aims of Miss Wheelchair World Project is:

  • image change of women with disability,
  • integration of environments of persons with disability in the whole world,
  • breaking barriers,
  • facilitation of exchange of information on the newest scientific and medical achievements,
  • showing that disability is not a limitation